Booking a family photoshoot can feel a bit daunting can’t it?… I think It can feel a bit like a mini weekend break. Have you packed everything you need? Have we got the clothes, right? Will they be too hot/ too cold? That ever-growing mental checklist that every mother gives herself is causing the anxiety levels to rise. 

 For some of you who travel from further afield than Southampton or even Hampshire, it really can feel like a mini break!  I know you will worry about what’s going to happen on the photoshoot itself. I’ve heard and experienced every scenario that your head is playing out right now. What if my children don’t behave? What do we actually do when we’re having our photos taken? Will I look okay? What if my husband is reluctant and it shows?? First, of all, please don’t waste your energy worrying. I’d much rather you picked up the phone and talked through your concerns before it gets to photoshoot day. We don’t want your stress levels peaking on the day because your 3 year old used the hand towel to wipe their bum because there was no toilet paper…. (true story :-O) – HAHA! 

If you are a control freak like me, you’ll be running through the 6,257 scenarios which could potentially happen on the photo shoot. How do I know that? I am a mum of 3, someone who know only loves to take photos, but I actually love to be present in them too. That’s why we have an annual shoot or two every year. Not only does it keep me on my toes, helps me anticipate these worries and plan for them with my own clients.  

Because of all my experience I have devised the ultimate client experience one that touches base on the concerns you have. But I’m a way that gives you room to deal with them alone at home using my army of tools or allows you to reach out if you need a little extra help.  

In fact, I actively encourage you to pick up the phone to have chat with me before, during, or even after booking your family photography session in. I’m here to listen, to relate and to put your mind at ease.  

This wonderful family from Southampton trusted me to capture them at sunset in early July. That’s the ultimate goal for me. To have you fully committed and feeling comfortable.  

It’s definitely being out past their bedtime but just one night. They might have a squabble, they might not listen every time, but it doesn’t matter, what we will do together is freeze these moments in time.  

I know it worth the memories you are about to capture, and the adventure your children with relive over and over as they walk by those images on your wall at home. A quick glance up will transport them to the happy and joyful evening. Running through the golden grasses, playing games, and laughing until their tummies hurt.  That kind of happiness is priceless ❤️ 

[the_grid name=”Ultimate Family Session Goals”]

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  1. I’m grateful for publishing such engaging material on your blog.
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    Continue the excellent work, and thank you for enriching our understanding of photography.
    Best regards, Anja